Friday, September 21, 2007


I have now entrenched myself in the Bend community. I am already dissapointed by the fact the town appears to only have 2 AM radio stations. On the plus side however, I live right near a bowling alley so all my Wii Bowling practice should pay off pretty soon. Moving on...

Last Wednesday, I went over to the local Dari-mart to pick up a bunch of breakfast burritos and some cream cheese. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw all the stuff they sell there now. Cell Phones, fancy lighters, Digital camerals. You name it, they had it. I thought I had jumped into the future or something, which was weird because I usually think I’m back in the past.

As a joke, I asked the 39 year old Indian dude behind the counter how much he wanted for the cell phone, thinking he’d say two, three hundred bucks. When he said twenty bucks, I just about dropped a bomb in my skivvies. Considering my current phone has more holes than Jaison Williams hands, I thought it would be a good purchase until I realized that I may have the oldest cell phone still in use. According to my records my phone was built sometime around 1967 and was actually used in the Vietnam War. Someone find me the phone number for the Gueniess Book of World Records because me and my phone definitely belong there.

Hey – you know that rumor about if you feed antacid to birds, their stomachs blow up? Is that true? No reason, just is it true or not? No biggie if you don’t know, and there’s no particular reason why I’m asking the question, but I would like to know soon, not for any real reason, but I would like to know, so let me know, if you know, so if it’s true I can start making bird bombs.

My college football picks have languised so far this season but I am off to a 2-0 start this week by picking Miami and Oklahoma so far. Anyway I will post my picks for Saturday's games before the games Start on Saturday so no one (Jerry Balding) can accuse me of cheating.

BaldingReport Out.