Monday, September 24, 2007

Oregon vs Stanford Recap and Big Changes

We have made some big changes to the BaldingReport this week. The most notable change is to the front page where John Kerry has been replaced by Roboduck. I figured Roboduck is a good symbol for this blog because Roboduck represents the arrogance and piss poor management by the Athletic Department that I continually expose in this blog. Moving on...

Oregon vs Stanford Recap
Seeing as this game was not on TV and I listened to Stanford's radio broadcast, I am still not entirely sure that this game actually happened, but that won't stop me from giving out my game grades.

Stanford Radio C: Not only did Jim Harbaugh provide the greatest halftime quote ever by a coach "in the first quarter they made us taste our own blood but in the second quarter they tasted their own blood" but they also repeatedly called players "midgets" and claimed that Stanford was having all night games this year because "to many fans were attending their children's soccer games during the day". They put Jerry Allen to shame.

Cameron Colvin: A. Up until last week I think he would have been the biggest recruiting bust of a player who stayed eligible, healthy, and out of trouble in the history of College Football. The only player who could have approached him would have been LaCorey Collins but he had enough one handed catches to make up for his overall low level of play. However last week Colvin was unstoppable and is in the running with Dennis Dixon and Aaron Brooks for the "Oregon Senior who sucks for 3 years and then magically is great" award.

Andiel Brown: F-. Another game and another fumbled punt return for Oregon. At this stage I am convinced that Oregon should just leave their regular defense on the field on all 4th downs. This way they wont get any roughing the punter penalties and they won't have a return man out there who will fumble. Another thing that irritates me about Oregon Punt Returners is how they all think they are Michael Fletcher and never call fair catches. How often has a punt returner ever made something happen when there are 6 guys suorrounding him when he is getting ready to catch it??? NEVER!

In related news, I was reading the Bend paper today and found out that an escaped convict was captured IN MY APARTMENT COMPLEX. I never thought that my new apartment in a town of all retired people could actually be more dangerous than my Eugene apartment that was directly behind a 7-11.

Also be sure to check the BR all this week because were gonna have lots of coverage of the game this week. BaldingReport Out.