Monday, June 16, 2008


Christopher Balding has asked constituents to submit him questions via his atrocious website,

Not wanting to toss Chris a softball question, i emailed the following question from my fake yahoo email account to our congressional pretender, and am eagerly awaiting his response:

"Dear Mr. Balding,
I would appreciate any response you can give me to the following question. As a congressional hopeful, I would greatly appreciate your response.

I was walking one day next to my local creek when something fell from a tree and hit me in the eye. I fell to the ground like a drunken George Washington student. When I looked up, I saw something only seen in dreams. A one-armed yeti was standing over me. The yeti was tall with thick white hair that sprouted from his body like snowy grass. He made a loud noise that sounded like Jeremy Davis. The strangest thing about the yeti was that it only had one arm and the arm came right out of his chest. It looked like John Balding. I stood up to talk to this mysterious creature of the snow.

“Why did you strike me?” I asked
“I’m a yeti. I do not talk,” replied the yeti.
“But… you just did,” I said, reaching out to touch the yeti’s snowy white fur.

The yeti let out a fearsome roar and hit me in the face with his yeti paw. I fell back onto the ground unconscious, and when I woke up the Yeti was gone.

Mr. Balding what should I do next? I am at a loss for answers. Any help you could give me on the subject would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your response. I will be voting for Ralph Nader in November."

Your number 1 fan