Jeremy with Bert Sugar of Rocky fame
My picture of Senator Jim Bunning.
While the picture appears slightly out of focus,
I can assure you that it was Jim Bunning who was
out of focus and not my camera.
Tomorrow I will be blogging the Republican Debate that will air on ABC at 10:30 AM. The candidates are definitely getting desperate as just yesterday Tom Tancredo said that he would bomb the holy city of Mecca to prevent terror attacks. If he said something that crazy BEFORE the debate, just imagine what he has in store for the actual debate.
For all the readers demanding more of me, here is a little poem i wrote just for you.
Bridges are falling, don't see no sun;
George Bush is out there just having fun.
Were stuck in a war that could go on forever
The tricks that got us here sure were clever
There are mysteries out there I just can't express:
Like why he blew up the levies just to keep us surpressed.
After 9/11 at his Ranch out in Crawford
He took advantage of all this country was offered
I know President Bush is the commander-in-chief
But even I think we should put in the backup named Leaf
BaldingReport Out