Monday, May 21, 2007

Lazy Sunday

As promised here is the rundown on my Sunday breakfast

1) The church going crowd- It is always unnerving when i go out to eat breakfast around 1030 on a Sunday because of how obvious it is that i was the only person in the restaurant who did not just arrive from Church. Normally this sort of thing wouldn't bother me but its tough to feel good about yourself when your hungover, dressed in a wrinkly shirt, ready to go home to play 3 hours of Grand Theft Auto, and everyone else around you just got done building houses for poor people.

2) My sister- My sister goes to school at Hamilton college which is located in some quaint upstate New York town that has like 5 buildings. Hamilton is a wannabe Ivy league school that despite being a step below all the Ivy league colleges, actually has the 4th highest tuition rate of any college in America. This means it attracts all the rich, entitled, egotistical east coast kids who think they are really smart, but actually aren't. It is always funny when my sister comes home after being in that environment because for the first 48 hours or so she is home she acts like typical east coast crybaby. This breakfast took place at the end of that 48 hour period so it was good to see her transform herself from complete snob to likable person in a period of 45 minutes.

3) The breakfast burrito- I am convinced that someone could put dog shit in a tortilla mixed with eggs, call it a breakfast burrito, and it would still taste good. These things are the most underrated food item of all time.

I realize that I have neglected to mention politics at all this Blog Season, and have been talking about subjects in a very "Dan Rubenstein-esque" way these last few posts. These types of posting are like the episodes in 24 that set up the real climatic episodes where Bauer ends up killing 15 plus people. I have set up tomorrows post and expect it to equal a 24 episode where Bauer's kill count is double digits.